Did you know that there are a lot of ways in earning money online? A lot of people have been earning online for years, and some keep it as a secret so they can earn for themselves and don't let others get what they have. Today, I will let you know what are the different earning programs that you can see online and what are these exactly and how you earn from them. You'll be dealing/reading more about these programs later on.
Here are some of the popular jobs on the net:
-- Paid-To-Click are the programs wherein you are paid for clicking the advertiser's websites. You have to view them for a given time, the maximum is 30 seconds and the minimum is 10 seconds. These kind are the most popular, lots of people use this. Although, it's tough but It's alright when you get paid by them. I recommend this for leisure time only. Also good for bringing traffic to your sites.
-- Paid-To-Surf programs are in which you get paid by just surfing through the net. I haven't been a member of any surf site but I know that the rates here are low, so I recommend this one for heavy internet users.
-- Paid-To-Review are programs wherein you will get paid by reviewing a things. Sime sites have specific things that you should review and others can review anything they want. Also rates are low but if you are good in this field, I recommend this to you.
-- Paid-To-Read programs are the easiest jobs that you can do here, you just read mails that the site is sending to your mail, reading is nice but also rates are low.
-- Paid-To-Join programs are programs are where you are asked to join somebody's site for a price. I do not recommend joining this kind of sites 'coz sometimes, they ask you to be active in the sites that they ask you to join with.
-- Paid-To-Survey programs are wherein you asked to answer some surveys from companies and other sites. This, I do not recommend it for Asian people though, we only get little surveys in a month.
-- Paid-To-Post programs are earning forums, you get paid for posting in their forum. Some forums have contests that helps you earn a lot, rates are low but if you are a forum-type of person. This is very good for you.
-- Paid-To-Promote programs are in which you promote a product or something and you earn a commission for doing it.
-- Paid-To-Write are programs wherein you are blogging or even reviewing an item or thing. You get paid by the quality of your posts and how long it is. Be careful though on what you write 'coz you get benned if you spam. Recommended for people who loves writing.
High-Yield Investment Programs
-- HYIP's or High-Yield Investment Programs are programs that you earn by investing a small amount of money and earn with a day-to-day percentage. There are two types: Short term and Long term investments. Short term are only for 1,2, or 3 days and long term are longer than 10 days.
Auto surf and Manual Surf
-- Auto Surf and Manual Surf programs are in which you can get free traffic to your site while you earn, well, it's hard to earn in these kind of programs I'd say. My only purpose in these kind of programs is the traffic.
Affiliate Programs
-- Affiliate Programs are in which you get other people to sign up under you and you gain from them too or some sites get you to sell their product and you get comission from it. Recommend it for people who are good at inviting people.
-- Forex sites, I really do not know but I am doing forex right now but have just begun last monday. And within 4 days of trading, I guess you really should start with a demo account for you not to lose money and also being under someone's guidance is really a big help.
Online Casinos and Betting
-- Online Casinos and Betting are programs which are practically in a win-lose situation or a 50-50 situation, I might say. You either win or lose, it's gambling. I, personally, do not recommend this type for newbies because you need money for betting, its alright if you have it but are you ready to take the risk? Additional info, I do have my own casino website and have some guides for you to win it. I will be posting that one in a few weeks.
Matrix Sites
-- Matrix Sites are programs that allow you to earn by just referring or building your own downline. Every person you refer, you earn a given amount. The more people you refer, the more you earn from them.And when your referrals refer more, you earn a commission, so the deeper your downline is, the more you earn also.
and a lot more ...
But I must warn you though, 95% of these programs are scams and only 5% are LEGIT and paying. I have been in this business for about 8 months now and have learned that it isn't easy looking for legit sites. Some sites may be legit this time but after a week,month or so, it may become just like the others, a BIG scam.
Better be careful with what you do!
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